
The Sasol Foundation’s approach to delivering value to society is premised on an understanding that global and national priorities are key baseline levers used to assess the needs of a country and communities.

In this regard, the Foundation looks at global instruments such as the Sustainable Development Goals, National instruments such as the National Development Plan (NDP) and sector specific policies and frameworks to contextualise the environment in order to respond to key strategic issues which impact both the country and the key stakeholders. Our main stakeholders include national and provincial government departments of education; government entities; public schools, TVETs and universities; other Foundations and NGOs and the Scientific community.

The design of our programmes follows a user-centric approach which is crafted around stakeholder inclusivity and collaborative co-creation of solutions that delivers desired theory of change and high beneficiary impact. Partnerships play a key role in the execution and implementation approach of the Foundation, this includes partnering with government and its entities, society and other key stakeholders to deliver initiatives to key beneficiaries, who are historically disadvantaged South Africans, with a bias towards women and girl-children in our programmes.

South Africa’s National Development Plan 2030 and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals inform everything we do.
Our most important stakeholders include national and provincial government departments of education, government entities, public schools, TVETs and universities, other foundations and NGOs and the scientific community.
We adopt a user-centric approach whenever we design a programme. Our approach emphasises stakeholder inclusivity and the collaborative co-creation of solutions that deliver real, high-impact change.


We can’t do what we do without our partners. We work with government entities, civil society, business, academia and schools to deliver outcomes for our key beneficiaries – historically disadvantaged South Africans, especially women and girl-children.



In order to deliver on its commitment of focusing on Sasol Operations’ fenceline communities, the Foundation has partnered with both the Osizweni Science Centre and the Boitjhorisong Resource Centre (BRC) as strategic implementing partners.

The Osizweni Science Centre is instrumental in the implementation of science initiatives along the Secunda andMining Operations, as well as Tshwane Ekandustria Operations, and implements in Gert Sibande, Nkomazi, Lekwa and Dipaleseng districts. The Boitjhorisong Resource Centre is key in the delivery of science initiatives along Sasolburg Operations, and has a longstanding reputation in delivering sustainable education support in the Fezile Dabi District.

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